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(b) Explain what events and changes to circumstances KH must consider when planning their health surveillance programme.

Health surveillance is an ongoing process, the need for which is prompted by specific events and changes to circumstances.

4. The OH has recommended that health surveillance be carried out for all workers who are exposed to wood dust because of operating the VPS.

3. (a) The SM is reviewing the overall approach to manual handling risk assessments at KH. With the exception of weight, outline other manual handling risks, arising from the loads that are handled at KH.

(ii) Evaluate if EACH of the hearing protection products identified in supporting document 3, provide an appropriate level of attenuation for workers using the VPS.

(i) According to L108, what should be considered when deciding if a noise risk assessment is required for this activity?

(ii) The SM decides to find information (in addition to the information from L108) that is available to help them to decide if noise exposure presents a risk to workers operating the VPS.

2. (a) The SM has reviewed the British Health and Safety Executive’s document L108: Controlling noise at work. Following this, they want to find out whether a suitable and sufficient noise risk assessment is required for the VPS operation.

(d) Explain what practical control measures KH could consider to reduce their workers’ exposure to wood dust.

(v) The OH made some recommendations in their report (see supporting document 4). One of these recommendations was to carry out a detailed survey of workers’ exposure to wood dust.

(iv) Suggest reasons why the OH is recommending a detailed survey of workers’ exposure to wood dust.

(iii) Based on the SM’s discussion with Worker X, assumptions were made about Worker X’s exposure to wood dust. Use the information in the OH’s report to show that these assumptions might be incorrect.

(ii) Now that the SM has the OH’s report (supporting document 4), they can draw further conclusions. Based on the information in the report, what was good about the approach taken by the OH?
